Flouria's User Terms & Conditions

Hi, thank you for taking the time to read Flouria's User Terms & Conditions. 🌸

At Flouria we strive to offer you the best and most accurate information on your health & wellbeing 24/7. However, Flouria is not a medical device or a substitute for healthcare, our app is for informative purposes only. Please see your GP or another healthcare professional in case of an emergency or other medical issue.

Flouria is designed for your personal use, it is not for sharing with others or for commercial use.

If you want to cancel your Flouria account, you’re welcome to at any time. We are also allowed to cancel your account if you use our app in another way than it is designed for, if your employer is no longer a customer of ours, or if we change or stop our business.

In the unlikely event that our services lead to damage on your part, our liability will be limited to the amount paid out by our liability insurer or, if the damage is not being covered, to € 500 per event and per year. These limitations do not apply to services which are part of a medical treatment contract, or if the damage is due to our intent or wilful recklessness.

We are still building Flouria, so we will change our services and these terms regularly. Also, we’re allowed to transfer our rights and obligations to other parties. Any change or transfer will only apply to you after we have informed you in writing.

Registration numbers:

  • KvK-nummer: 90748654
  • BTW-nummer: NL865438870B01

Date: April 2024